Popular literature, defined as literature intended for the masses and which fascinates large audiences because of the enjoyment it gives. It is written intended for entertainment, and also with the purpose of getting huge sales. Among all the categories, Popular literature is what I like the most. Why? Because in popular literature, with just holding a small book, I can travel and immerse myself into another place and culture, it can be read easily because the language used was not that complex, and it can entertain a lot of people who wants to have an escape to reality, and relate themselves into the character they are reading. Popular literature avoids complicated terminology in favor of simple, commonplace words. Originally literature was only accessible to well-educated individuals, but with the industrial revolution, it became available to everyone. Popular literature lasts a fairly short time, yet some of the most famous works of popular literature, such as the Harry Potter series, are of an eternal nature. Popular literature excites sensations or emotions, which pleases readers. It offers a direct, daily approach. Another fact I like in popular literature is that most of the books I have read in this category turn into great movies. I find it exciting whenever a book I have read turns into a film, especially when everything that happens in the book has also happened exactly in the movie adaptation.
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